18 September, 2008

An Appropriate Time for Humble Apologies

Gentle Readers,
It is in the beautiful gloaming of the year that I come to you, hands outstretched, and beseech you for your indulgence. I have been remiss in my artistic duties, and have neglected not only the delightful tales spun by Mr. Daniel's pen, but also you, my gentle readers.
I have, of course, my excuses. Some are better than others. For me, this has been a summer of travel, and betimes I have not been able to work in the manner in which I had hoped. My gentle sister also became wedded to her gentleman, and certainly that happy event involved a portion of my times and attentions. Not the least of all my excuses is the resumption of my studies these three weeks past.
However, none of these things hold weight when set beside my own lack of dedication, and for this I am truly sorry.
I devoutly hope that you will all accept my most humble apologies, and that you will bear with your friend as I seriously undertake to improve this sorry state of affairs.
Humbly Yours,
Lady E. E. Grey


Baron von Chop said...

I think the lull of summer has effected all of our creative outputs. I myself have only just started revising the novel I wrote nearly a year ago. Hopefully we can all keep each other positive and productive in the future!

Baron von Chop said...

Maybe I should clarify that I meant *for* the future, not *in* the future. Otherwise it sounds like I'm complaining or accusing, and I'm really not.